The sweet aroma of jasmine and orange blossom fill the air. This scene captivates the passer by, who looks around and leisurely perceives the whitewashed walls tingled here and there with multicoloured geraniums and carnations whilst feeling under foot, the cobble- stones of whose narrow tranquil streets. The quiet bubbling of one of the many fountains can be heard nearby. It is a moment of magic. One has discovered The Old Town and is enjoying it to the full.

The Plaza de los Naranjos – Orange Square – so named for its orange trees, its centre. The surrounding streets take us back to the ages.

The streets Panadería, Pasaje, Cruz, De los Caballeros (which means “Streets of the Knights” and down which the knights of the Catholic Kings strolled alter recapturing the city from the Moors), Remedios, Virgen de los Dolores and Ortiz del Molinillo are just some of those filled with plants and flowers draping the walls. Valdés with its shops, San Lázaro with is numerous bars and taverns, Pantaleon and Buitrago, picturesque and narrow, flank the Africa square, with its 18th century street lamp proudly standing in its centre.

Numerous are the streets full of history such as the majestic Plaza de La Iglesia – Church Square – Trinidad, Salinas and Portada streets which border the old Moorish castle wall. Viento Hospital Bazán, Pelleja, Apartada, Mendoza streets and Plaza de Altamiro- a square to rest in the labyrinth of little streets- forming part of the old Moorish quarters which extend down Misericordia, Soledad, Alderete, Caridad and Muro street, which marks the boundary of the old city.

From the delightful little aquare Plaza de Manuel Cantos, we can go down Tetuán street until Enrique del Catillo, once one of the southern entrances to the old town centre. Further up we can find José Palomo square, situated on the site of one of the three gates to the city, these being Puerta del Mar , Puerta de Ronda and Puerta de Málaga – The sea gate, Ronda gate and Málaga gate -. Moving on from this little aquare, either down Alameda or Fortaleza streets we come to Pedraza leadind us in turn to the peaceful Victoria Square, with its fountain decorated with little frogs which inspired and enchanting tale in their day.

After crossing Castillejos street – The West entrance to the old town – Huerta Chica street leads us up to Peral street , with its many little shops and bars, till you come to Puente De Ronda square and from here on to calle Ancha – The Broad Street- to the neighbourhood of San Francisco, first expansion of Marbella to the North, also called Barrio Alto the High quarters). This part is not so well known, but is still full of the simple wonders of whitewashed walls decorated with colourful flowers. Walk along the long Aduar street or try the tranquillity of the Rafina, Princesa, Montenebros, Príncipe and Santo Cristo square, which harbours the church of the same name, one of the oldest buildings of Marbella.