Route of the White Villages
The Route of theWhite Villages offers a colorful and original vision of the province of Cadiz, villages in which the typical architecture with its encaladas houses, its castles and churches of the medieval time is mixed. One begins in Arcosde la Frontera, city considered like historical-monumental set, following by Algar, Bornos, Espera, Villamartín, Prado del Rey, Puerto Serano, Algodonales, Olvera, Torre Alhaquime, Alcalá del Valle, Setenil, El Gastor, Zahara de la Sierra, Grazalema, Benaocaz, Ubrique, Villaluenga del Rosario y el Bosque.
The most picturesque and lasting impression of thenprovince of Cadiz is that its so-called “white villages”, where the typical architecture of glistening, chalkcoated houses blends with that of castles and churches dating back to the Middle Ages.
The tour begins at Arcos de la Frontera, designated as national historic and artistic monument in its entirety, then goes on to Algar, Bornos, Espera, Villamartin, Prado del Rey, Puerto Serrano, Algodonales, Olvera, Torre Alháquime, Alcalá del Valle, Setenil, El Gastor, Zahara de la Sierra, Grazalema, Benaocaz, Ubrique, Villaluenga and El Bosque