Let’s begin with the Barrio de la Villa (a designated historic and artisitic monument), the old Arabic centre of the town. In its narrow, winding streets and small squares, the traditional lime facing of its walls and the colours of its flowers are reminiscent of another age.

From here we come out into the Balcòn del Adarve which surrounds the Barrio de la Villa, a cliff edge forming a natural balcony which was previously used as a defence for the town, and which looks out over peaceful Andalucian countryside.

“La Torre del Homenaje” in Priego´s castle has been declared a national monument and has excellent views from its high walls

A walk round Priego´s majestic churches will provide the visitor with a an example of the architectural style known as Andalucian baroque: The Church of the Asunción, whose tabernacle has been declared a national monument, is one of the most impressive existing pieces of this artistic style. The churches of Aurora, San Francisco, Carmen, Mercedes, San Pedro, San Juan de Dios, and of the Angustias all have facades which are as fine as their decorated interiors.

One of the most outstanding features of Priego de Córdoba is the “Carnicerias Reales” (Royal Slaughterhouse), with its mannerist style façade. Inside you will find a galleried patio, and a beautiful stone, spiral staircase.

Take a short stroll along Calle Rio and you will be able to admire its numerous aristocratic mansions, full of baroque details, before coming to the monument which is without doubt Priego de Córdoba`s crowning glory: the Fuente del Rey (The King`s Fountain), a national monument. The King’s Fountain is made up of three pools and is surrounded by 139 spouts which give a continual flow of water. In the same square you will find the “Fuente de la Salud”, (The Fountain of Health, a national monument) which has a mannerist front piece.

You cannot leave out the museums which the town contains: the “Museo-Casa Natal”, a museum and birthplace of a former President of the Second Republic, Niceto Alcalá Zamora y Torres, the Museo Histórico y Arqueológico (Historical and Archaeological Museum) where important archaeological pieces are exhibited, the Museo del Pintor Adolfo Lozano Sidro and the Museo of Contemporary Spanish Countryside, unique in Spanish geographical exhibitions because of its subject matter.

You can`t leave without trying the extraordinary extra virgin olive oil, (with its Demoninación de Origen Priego, an official guarantee of origin and quality) whose quality has been recognised by various awards in the national and international arenas.

And don’t forget to enjoy the surrounding countryside. You are in the Subbética Natural Park, with countryside to remember as we hope you will remember your stay amongst us.