The city os Ecija is the cradle of world-renowned thoroughbred Raza Española, thoroughbred Arab and Anglo-Arab horses.

Herds such as those of Cárdenas, Díaz, Osuna, Puertohermoso, Tamarit and Rodriguez de Torres with their exceptional specimens have made the name of Ecija famous throughout the world.

The stupendous quality of this countryside for the raising of horses has made Ecija one of the main horse centres of the country, with the Military Herd, the Equine Reproduction centre and the state selection centre for breeding dock being located in the city, as well as the headquarters of the Association of Anglo- Arab Horse Breeders, in whose centre racehorses and jumping horses are trained. With all this Ecija offers to whomever visits the opportunity to experience the worlds of the horse in the perfect place, participating as spectator in the organised activities in the equestrian environment.