Leaving Benaojan town towards the station along an old roadway, incomparably more beautiful than the road of obvious reasons, and after having walked through a slope with a beautiful view, we shall arrive at the station. We then shall take a road towards a crossing which leads to Ronda. Farther on, near a river and a railway line, there is a track that makes its way northeastwards round the Sierra del Algarrobo, which offers, the view of a karstic landscape of great beauty and numerous caves, the cueva del Gato being the most impressive one, with an entrance (in fact it is and exit, since the river comes out to it) more than 10 m high and an important colony of bats. The track goes on through the Cuevas del Hundidero, 5 km long, to the other side of the mountain.
The cave is frequently visited by speleologists due to its beauty and interest.
Along the Guadairo, we shall walk past numerous beaches and large puddles worth a swim in summer. There is a lake outside the cabe with icy cold transparent waters.
In order to enter the Cueva del Gato, some knowledge on speleological techniques is required. There is a free camping area outside the cave.