Loja is in the western part of the province of Granada at 55km from the capital.

It is an old Muslim town known as Medina Lawsa, taken by the Christians in 1486 and named “flower among thorns” by Queen Isabella the Catholic. Its Islamic heritage can be felt whilst wandering in the quarter of the Alcazaba or fortress. The Christians erected grandiose temples and civil buildings, and, in the 19th century, the Narváez family embilleshed the town with palaces and gardens.

The fountain with 25 spouts
In Loja there are numerous springs such as the one which feeds this fountain, also called Fuente de la Mora or fountain of the Moorish maiden.

Antigua Casa de Cabildos
This is a beautiful example of the civil architecture of the 16th century. It is located on the Plaza de la Constitucion and currently houses the public library.

Alcazaba and Caserón de los Alcaides Cristianos
It is a 10th century fortified area on a hill in the heart of Loja, which the Christians used to build the Renaissance Caserón de los Alcaides Cristianos inside.