Sierra de Grazalema, Puerto Boyar, Benaocaz
Time: Five hour.
If we position ourself at Puerto del Boyar, looking towards El Bosque, we shall see the Corredor del Boyar in front of us, with a fountain 1 km farther down.
From the same spot, that is, Puerto del Boyar, starts an old footpath on our left running along the slope of Sierra del Endrinal and up to the Puerto de Don Fernando. This footpath is nowadays used to collect milk from the goats of a handful of cortijos that we shall see along the way.
Before reaching the Puerto de Don Fernando we shall see on our right the famous “Salto del Cabrero” (Jump of the Goatherd), rocky vertical walls that owe its name to a traditional legend .
After crossing the Puerto we shall walk through the footpath and arrive at an area full of boulders and pebbles; we shall have to be caraful while descending towards the road Ubrique-Benaocaz, where we shall turn to the left.