Of interest for the visitor are certainly Plaza de las Tendillas, in fact the central square in town with its clock that sounds like a guitar, Plaza de la Corredera where in 17th century took place the bullfights and Plaza del Potro, known from Cervante’s Don Quijote.

Roman Ruins
In Calle Claudio Marcelo there are rests of a Roman Temple, and, in the North-East of the town, there are more ruins close to the Tower of Malmuerte.

La “Mezquita”
The most beautiful and original building of all Spain.
This Mezquita initiated the so-called Califal style, which combined Roman, Gothic, Byzantine, Syrian and Persian elements and was the starting-point of all Arabian-Hispanic architecture of the centuries to come, up to the Mudéjar-style of Arabians living in the Spain reconquered by Christians.

The Cathedral
When the Christians reconquered Cordoba in 1236, they consecrated the mosque to be the Christian cathedral. In 13th century the first modifications were made and the Royal Chapel, Capilla Real, was added. In 1523 the Catholic Church and King Charles V. put through against the will of the town’s administration to build a Christian cathedral inside of the original mosque. Works took 234 years, so the original Gothic style is combined with Baroque and Renaissance elements. Remarkable are the Cardinal’s Chapel and its treasure, including a monstrance of Enrique de Arfe, an ivory crucifix of Alonso Cano and important sculptures and paintings.

Around the “Mezquita”
Archiepiscopal Palais: In its interior there are rests of the palace of the epoch of the Goths, which lateron became Alcazar Califal, palace of the Arabian caliph. This palace was abandoned when the court changed to Medina-Azahara , but served again as residence to the kings of Taifas.
Puerta del Puente: This door was originally part of the Arabian walls, but lateron modified in Renaissance-style.
Puente Romano: Roman bridge over Guadalquivir river, consisting of 16 arcs and once forming part of the Roman Via Augusta. In the central part of the bridge was added a monument to San Rafael, the town’s patron, in 17th century.
Torre de Calahorra: Arabian fortification at the Southern end of Puente Romano, originally consisting of two towers connected by an arc, to which was added a third tower in 14th century.
Along the river there are rests of Moorish mills, most important being the mill of Albolafia, which was pumping water up to the gardens of the Alcazar. Vis-a-vis there is a Baroque monument to San Rafael of 1781.