Arab Baths
Plaza de Santa Luisa de Marillac – Jaén
Tlf: 95 323.62.92
Uncovered in 1913 under the palace of the Count of Villardompardo, these are the largest remaining baths in Spain. A magnificent restoration has brought back to life the near architectural perfection of the building.
Plaza de Santa María – Jaén
Tlf: 95 323.42.33
Built between the mid-16C and late 17C from plans by Andrés de Vandelvira, this is one of the finest examples of Andalucian Renaissance architecture. The extraordinary main facade is like a palace.
Open from 8.30am (museum 10am)-1pm and 4.30pm-7pm; summer 8.30am (museum 10am)-1pm and 5pm-8pm.
Real Monasterio de Santa Clara
Plaza de San Agustín – Jaén
A superb cloister is found in this 13C monastery. The church contains an unusual 16C statue of Christ made out of bamboo.
Jabalquinto Palace
Cuesta San Felipe Neri s/n
The old residence of Juan Alfonso de Benavides (Captain of Lorca) is a perfect example of the late Gothic style.
Normal:10:00 – 14:00
16:00 – 18:00
Town Hall
Paseo Cardenal Benavides s/n – Baeza
This occupies the old Court House and prison; the facade of this plateresque monument made up of two storey separated by a fluted cornice.
Old abattoirs
Plaza del Pópulo s/n – Baeza
These are housed in a beautiful Renaissance stately home despite their use. You will note the coat of arms of Charles V on the first floor, where the old tribunal once was held.
Old University
C/ Barbacana – Baeza
Near the Jaen gate, you will go through the Barbudo arch, the only remains of the fortified walls. Founded in the 16C by Rodrigo Lopez and Juan de Avila. The university became a secondary education establishment in 1875.
Normal:10:00 – 13:00
16:00 – 18:00