Sierra de Cazorla. Vadillo Castril – Valdeazores

Time: 10 hours.

From Vadillo town along the road to Las Navas de San Pedro. Then we shall cross a bridge over the river Guadalquivir, leaving Linarejos camping site on our left until reaching some hills in an area wooded by pine trees and after a soft descent we shall arrive at Nava de Espino, and still downwards, at the Nava de San Pedro.

Then we have to walk on around the Caballo´s hillock and at approximately the km. 33 of this forest track, another forest track branches off to the left parallel to Valdeazores brook. This track leads to the Valdeazores tarn, rich in trouts, where the waters of Infiernos and Aguas Negras´ brooks flow into.